Can we all agree being a Proverbs 31 Woman is hard? It’s almost impossible, we mutter. Is it okay too, to say that as humans, we tend to disagree with what we find difficult or what, within our human limitation, we are incapable of fully exploiting.
Today, I would love to implore every gender/sex to insert their names where they find He/She, Husband/Wife, married or not.
This isn’t a verse for one sex/gender. It says: Her Husband (man) praises her (not beat, ridicule, cheat, is entitled, abuses, insults her)… He says; Many women are good wives but you are the best of them all (endearment, compliments, honour, respect, value, praise, elevation).
May we ALL fall in line with our God roles & make the World a better place. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY, 2023????
Signed: Passion Fruit